Help I’ve been sucked into a logic puzzle vortex!

Oh my.. I have been sucked in.. sucked into the Kansas tornado of a contest that Ebay has going on! I am not as bad as others.. spending all hours, not sleeping sitting at their computers with their auto refresh screens set to the clue page, so that they might see the next clue the moment that it comes up! No I’m not that bad.. yet.. today it is a $2000 prize per questions. Aptly held on President’s Day when all those federal employees are off so they can all jump in the frey.. Oh well there’s not much chance of winning, but those clues, they are so intriguing! I am just waiting for one that will be knitting or yarn related!! Although right now they sure don’t seem to be related to the answers at all.. It’s sort of like a 7 steps to Kevin Bacon game.. hey.. I think I have that in 5 steps!!
My friend Becky(1) works with Tony Shaloub’s sister(2&3).. Tony was in Seaching for Bobby Fisher with Laura Linney(4) who was also in Mystic River with Kevin Bacon(5)

Hey!! If I can figure that out I ought to be able to figure out the Ebay questions!!

Ah well I have also been sucked into another contest of wits by my favourite yarn seller in England!! Jannette has been having this contest for what seems like months!! I keep making it to the next round so I keep going! I really think this last round was the end for me but I have to wait till tommorrow to see!! (she is ill today) It gives me hope that she simply didn’t say.. we have a winner, but took the time to type in that she was hurt and ill and would continue the contest tommorrow!
The prize is.. a Perugino throw kit by Collinette!
This does not do it justice

I sure don’t know what I am going to do with it.. but hey! I’ll think of something! That is if I get past this question:
Peter shared a father with Hilary but it is not Steven, the father of John, youngest son of Silvia (who is Hilary’s mother).

a). Silvia had three children.

b). Steven is the father of at least two of Sylvia’s children

c). Silvia is Peter’s mother

d). John was the offspring of Steven and

I started the math a bit for the sweater… at least on measurements for the sweater. The 30″ Versitile AJAL loom should arrive tommorow. Darn the holiday! I am going to work up a little sweater for Caleb first to get the hang of the thing, and then supersize it.

Well the baby is asleep that leaves me with some time to mess around making some mittens.. thumbless ones for my little thumb sucker!
And perhaps.. yes another foray into the Ebay vortex of doom!


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