Yes there has been knitting going on!
I finally got the time to play around and translate my Mary Jane Parker pattern to the blue Knifty Knitter loom and send a picture in to Provo craft for submission!
It looks the same as the pattern page so I won’t bore you..
I got the set done for the VIB. It’s pretty cute!
I got some more work done on the Paris Loop.
Here is is:
Yes that is my kitchen counter.. it is actually clean for once and has been that way for three days running! Fly Lady beware!
I have also been experimenting on a sock heel on the looms. More on that later!
Dad should be out of the hospital today or tommorrow. He is glad to hear that. He can’t sleep there with all the hustle and bustle going on.
Jaxom got his toe switched to a different dressing. H managed to get his shoe on and take a VERY short ride. Now he is recouping on the couch.
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