Ok.. it wasn’t quite as bad as that sounds..:shock:
Well we found that someone got into our cars last night. They took Brian’s dart case out, and tossed it down at the bottom of the driveway. Two of the three darts are missing. So now his set is pretty much useless to him.
They left one door on his car open. Probably they just let it shut so we wouldn’t hear it.
Then they got in the van. I don’t think they took anything out of it.
Brian was super worried that they got my purse and phone because he couldn’t get me on the phone. It turns out it was turned off.

So I called the police and they said they would send a guy right over.
Well about and hour and a half later he came. Turns out there was a bank robbery in our neighbouring village. (yep it’s a village) so that is like the most excitement they have had at the local police dept. The officer seemed a little hyped up by it.

Ahh well poor Brian can’t throw darts tonight!:sad:

No cars were harmed during this act, as they were both unlocked. And no yarn or other knitting paraphanalia was taken..hehehe

We are hoping the darts were dumped somewhere along our street and will show up. But so far attempts to recover them have been unsuccsessful.


One response to “Break in”

  1. Oh no! That is terrible…I am sorry this happened to you, but I am glad they did not find anything valuable like yarn 😆

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