Well. We took a day off yesterday from the flooring project.
We had a little competition. My MIL gave me two craft cabinets for Christmas and we broke into teams to have a little race putting them together.
Brian and Azia against Jaxom and I. Well it was a heated competition. It was neck in neck. And it was, in my opinion, a photo finish. But Brian and Azia won by a board. I had placed the board that goes along the front edge in upside down, and as a result the drawer would not shut. If not for that mistake, we would have won hands down!
In the end I was the reall winner. I got a place to put my knitting projects in process that works very nicely. And I can have a beverage there in one of the sections on the top and the kids can’t knock it over! It’s actually rather nice. The other one was claimed by the rest of the family to hold remotes and toys and such.
So it works out well, gets my knitting off the top of the entertainment center and wardrobe and under wraps.
So today it was back at it on the floor. After a test run sans subfloor, we opted to use a cement like floor leveling product to even out the divits left by two days of nail pulling and the pattern of the original linoleum. It’s kind of a one person job so Brian has been plugging away at it, and I think he is doing a rather good job.

That has left me time for, well, what else? FROGGING! Yes. Waaaaay back 20 rows ago in the test knit I messed up. I decreased 3 stitches at the start of 2 rows rather than 4. I even had it highlighted and everything. Well I did not figure this out till I had carefully tinked back about 10 rows. Then I looked at the pattern again. That was when I realised what I had done and put a lifeline in and just ripped out the rest.
I still plan to have this thing knit up by the end of the weekend. It has to get out to Kat ASAP. But I have a party tonight that we are supposed to go to so it looks like I will be either taking it with me, or knitting all day tommorow. We will see what progress I can make before the party.
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