Hello all!
I’m invading Denise’s blog while she’s sleeping in the next room. So shhhh be very, very quiet and I won’t get into trouble till the morning!
First I wanted to say thanks for everyone being patient with the changes on the site. Hopefully they’ve all been for the good. At the end of last year, Denise was getting sometimes hundreds of spam contents a day added to the blog. When that started hitting, we had to do something about it. So we upgraded to WordPress 2.0 and I put in some filters on who was allowed to see the site. It’s worked so well that Denise has changed the settings on the blog to auto-approve your comments. Before she had to approve or reject each comment. Otherwise, you’d be seeing literally thousands of comments describing how you can make it big in real estate by taking Viagra while playing blackjack or Texas hold-em online. Not good!
Another thing we did was changed the whole look of the site. I want to apologize for any down time or any looks that were visually insulting to your eyes! Denise seems to like this look and it seems to work reasonably well. If you have any trouble with it, would you please reply to this post? WordPress “themes” don’t always look right on all browsers, but I think we have a good one now that works reasonably
That leads me to the next topic. Over the last two days we’ve been getting the occasional “404-Page not found” errors. I’m hoping I’ve just fixed that but I’m not sure yet. It’s very strange. It could be the way I’ve blocked some people from reaching the site, it could be our website hosting company having problems, it could be the current (pirate) theme we are using, it could be WordPress itself. I’ve just updated WordPress to 2.01 (it was just release yesterday) and I hope it fixes the problem. If not please let us know in a comment here! So far, since the update, I haven’t been able to get the error again… Cross your fingers!
As Denise mentioned before, we are trying to get the site to pay for itself through a couple different avenues, the main one being Google’s AdSense. If enough people use the Google search field on the left for their Google searches, and follow the ads on the bottom of the page, we should be able to get the site to be self supporting and when that happens, we can expand it some more. There are some neat things we can do like the Knitting in the News page. BTW if you like that, feel free to set it as your home page.
And if you would like to find out more about how you can have your blog pay for itself, follow the AdSense button at the very bottom of the bottom of the page, after the counter, and you can sign up with a recommendation from KnitChat.com. Or if you find the AdSense extremely offensive, let us know that too and I should be able to provide a way for certain users to turn it off…
OK, that’s about it… Again, thanks for hanging on for the ride… I hope we will continue to adding more and more features to the site and keep ideas like PurlsOfHope.com coming where we’re on the way to helping two or three dozen families keep warm this winter… Spread the word and we can do some good things together…
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