Well despite a nearly devistating injury, and several.. ur.. distractions from my family.(I still need to clean the nail polish out of the bathtub but the kid is mostly clean!!) I managed to stay on track for my Olympic Knitting goal!
I have 3 swatches done so far. Two on the needles and one on the loom.
The first two are the Perferated Ribbing from the 365 Stitches calendar. The third on is the Double Woven Stitch also from the 365 Stitches Calendar October 20, my brother’s birthday!
I like how the Perferated ribbing turned out on the loom. I have some tweaking to do. Like rather than purling the 3 stitches together I will knit them, and to make the YO more dramatic I will wrap the yarn around the peg twice. Those are two changes I want to try out.
later..after this is over or if I have extra time before the flame goes out.
Hey.. I was a sucker for this challenge…I like the olympics soo much I used to have a fish named Flame.. after the olympic flame.. he went everywhere with me! Even on a few road trips!
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