Today we follow the tale of Crystal and her intrepid sherpa the wild Lily as they brave the wilds in search of an elusive prey.. the knitting loom book…
They have heard that this precious book might be found in the crafting wild lands of AC Moore .. so they quicky proceeded to the location.
With caution they walk the aisles in search of their quarry. Then they spot it, there in it’s enclosure up on the wall. They bravely venture in for a closer look and are taken by surprise when the crafty creature tries to loose itself from it’s bonds and jump into their shopping cart..
Non-plussed Crystal escaped un harmed and book is left to fend for itself in the wilds.. (as Crystal had already ordered it online so she will get hers another day soon)
And what shall be the reward for our heroic heroine? ( you all recall the safari contest?) She will have her choice of one of the new Knifty Knitter looms.. as of yet unreleased into the wilds..I will lay out her choices later.. and let ya know what she got!
Bravo brave Crystal and her super sherpa…
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