Well the Whiplash theme this last weekend was to show your Fearless side..
I didn’t have any time to make anything as this was a busy weekend.. unless you consider putting down floor tile in my kitchen.. I tell you that took a few fearless moments!
I have to say there is nothing quite so fearless as a two year old. Especially my two year old..His fearlessness rivals that of Evil Keneval and David Blaine put together.. It is only equalized by his extreme cuteness..
This realization hit home yesterday while sitting on top of a hill beside one of the Great Lakes with my head between my knees waiting for that sickening gut wrenching feeling of fear to dissipate so I didn’t faint outright. The kids were having fun rolling down the hill with Brian and I was at the top watching, Brian was at about the middle of the hill when our intrepid adventurer ran right up to the edge of the water.
Now normally one would say no big deal he might get his feet wet.. however this was a small harbour that is basically used as a parking lot, or ferry point for people with those fancy power boats. So the water is deep..sure there are those huge chain thingies there.. but what’s that to a two year old??

Both Brian and I were pretty far away from him.. I remember yelling to Brian to just please go get him..before I put my head down and attempted a full system shutdown.. I did manage this time to not envision the worst scenario possible.. That is what my visually oriented over active mind usually does.. it flashes me these loverly ‘home movies’ of the worst thing that can happen.. I guess this time I knew that Brian would get him and he would be fine..
And he did..
Now I am certainly not a rookie where two year olds are concerned.. after all I have had three children who have lived through the age of two unscathed.. but with this little guy.. sometimes I have my doubts….
So far he has survived a walk up to the peek of our roof.. climbing on several of our bookshelves.. athsma.. shutting himself in the clothes dryer.. and numerous other daily heartstopping adventures.. boy.. I can’t wait to see what’s next!
Ten points to whomever can tell me where we were!!! Here’s a hint:
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