Well I finally went to the post office this last Saturday to send out the loom Crystal won from me and the squares for Warming Grace. I didn’t have a box at home that really fit the loom so I tried to find one at post office. They came up with one of those triangular boxes for like blueprints and such, and I ended up standing there at the counter butchering the box to make it shorter so the loom didn’t rattle around too much. Just after I got it all packed up, an older gentleman came in and apparently being the curious type, asked what was in the box.
I told him it was a knitting loom, and he said oh yeah those things with the pegs right? And I (probably beaming from ear to ear) agreed with him.
Pretty cool!

Julian just came in the room and said ” Catty Two Boots is in my backpack and she is going to go to school later.” Hmm.. See little Catty Two boots is quickly becoming his favourite soft toy! hmmm maybe I am going to have to make another!
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