Hmm.. let’s see.. I went to the fiber festival yesterday. Got to browse for a hour and a half before my class..I was good.. I have a goal and I can meet that goal with the birthday and destash money I just got. I did however go with a list.. I wanted a sweater stone, wool wash, and something for my One Skein pal. I got two out of three. One I can’t show you. I got a cute one skein project kit for my pal. I might just use the wool wash on the skein because it has a peculiar smell.
And I got this…
Yep. That’s it. The Briar Rose booth tempted me again. I even called home to get yardage amounts for a project I was thinking of doing out of Loop d’Loop. But they didn’t get my birthday money from me this year! But hey they remembered me! That was nice. If you ever have the chance to get their stuff I highly recommend it. They even have an online store now here. So go check it out. The yarn is even more beautiful in person, and the skeins are more than generous!
I petted some adorable angora rabbits. My favourite Alpaca yarn vendor didn’t have any good colours so I didn’t get anything this time..
So I went to my class.. I took the newly renamed Cable Sanity class given by Annie Modesitt.. But it warrants it’s own blog entry so I will put that in later.
Our friends have come and gone from the KWON B&B. It was nice to have them in even if it was just overnight.
Oh the red hat is done and dried and not bad if I do say so myself! Of course it’s not for me.. I don’t even rate a pink hat I think..

Well that’s all the news there is. For now..
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