Well here they are… Cali and Cleo or as Caleb calls her Clelo.

Well here they are… Cali and Cleo or as Caleb calls her Clelo.
Those two are way cute!
aww! I want another kitty….. Those are definitely some cute kittens
How cute they are!! Have lots of fun and cuddles!! 🙂
Those characters are adorable! My son just got two of his own–Thelma and Louise — they are somewhat naughty,l but he says they are worth it. His two make up a little less that one of the one I have- He is a big boy (25lbs) and he’s a fraidy cat. Aren’t animals wonderful? Love your book, Denise. I’ve been trying to get in on your chat but I can’t get on–it won’t take the password I was given. Can you help? wendyhellierstevens@yahoo.com
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