Almost exactly a year ago Leslie vonHolten made a post on the site about needle knitting vs. loom knitting.(go on you can go read it.. I’ll wait)
Now she basically based her whole diatribe on Knifty Knitters vs. needles and so limited her own scope of the subject at hand. Her basic conclusion is that using a knitting loom is not knitting.. infact she coined her own term ‘knifting’
Here is a definition of knit/knitting that I got from which cites the American Heritage Dictionary.
v. knit or knit·ted, knit·ting, knits
1. To make (a fabric or garment) by intertwining yarn or thread in a series of connected loops either by hand, with knitting needles, or on a machine.
2. To form (yarn or thread) into fabric by intertwining.
3. To join closely; unite securely.
4. To draw (the brows) together in wrinkles; furrow.
Clearly a knitting loom or board falls into this definition as knitting. It is a simple machine used to make fabric, by intertwining yarn in a series of connected loops. SO I am thinking that we can close the book on this issue.. whether you use your fingers, needles, a loom, board or machine all these items are used to the same end.
So what do you think?
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