Yogurt..yes.. yogurt..

I finally got a little time to make some yogurt.. time and milk that is. Seems every time I turn around these days the milk jug is empty!
So if you ever wondered how to make yogurt.. first you heat up your milk..picture-024.jpg

Then you have to let it cool to a certain temp. (this is a good time to pull out that project you have been working on and fix that little mistake you made 6 rows back) it takes a longer time than you think to cool milk.. so take your laptop into the kitchen an read blogs while you wait.. and wait and wait..picture-032.jpg

Then you mix in the yogurt starter (that is basically a bunch of little ‘good’ bacteria in a dormant state) and a little gelatin to make it a mite thicker..picture-028.jpg

Then let it simmer away in your lovely little yogurt maker for 4 1/2  hours and you habve yogurt.. hmm not bad!

Now see this..


I worked a little longer on this and I have to start over!! I had gauge I did.. I have no idea what happened!! It grew!!ARGHHH!!!


One response to “Yogurt..yes.. yogurt..”

  1. You know Denise you can use skim milk powder and water and use a lot less “real” milk to make yogurt. Check out my blog for two great sites and what I did for my yogurt. http://kansasa.blogspot.com/2006/06/what-site.html I also use a dehydrator and make a lot of yogurt compared to those itty bitty yogurt makers. I then freeze some in dixie cups to use for starter next time instead of buying the powered starter…okay enough about yogurt…What are you making? 🙂

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