One up One down.. or why I feel like I am on a see saw!

Well it seems all week I have one child who is spiking a fever, and another who just got over one. I in the mean time am working on about a zillion miles of stockinette stitch on the needles to meet a deadline.. take heart the end is in sight. Then I can go back to playing with that sweater I was making on the knitting board, and some other special projects I know you all will like.

Also I am a bit distracted by magazines and articles of this nature…


No I don’t think that Bill Gates is hot.. I am reading up on Windows Vista and Tablet PCs a bit in preparation of my new arrival.. I am really beginning to think that a laptop or tablet pc loaded with Windows Vista might actually be a knitters best friend.. a real step up from reading your emails by putting the keyboard on the floor and hitting the space bar with your toe.. leaving your hands free to knit!!

I will give you a review.. in about a month.. apparently they are a bit backed up at Gateway..or they are holding my machine hostage because I called to check on it..

I even bought a headset today for my new computer.. a girl’s gotta accessorize!!!

I guess I have to face it.. I am a big time gadget girl! Blame it on Brian..


2 responses to “One up One down.. or why I feel like I am on a see saw!”

  1. Ahhhhh….using toe to read email while knitting with hands. VERY imaginitive! Great way to multi-task!

  2. Parenting is the Mother of Invention, isn’t it? Knitting with the keyboard on the floor — shoulda come with a special message; “Caution, may spew coffee from your nose reading this!”
    You slay me, Denise! I hope everyone can give you a few illness-free days to recoup yourself. And get some preemo knitting done, too. 😉

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