I ate a cookie!!!

ok that might not sound too exciting to you but it sure is to me! You see I have been plagued with unrelenting, constant sublingual pain for the last 5 days. It is starting to get better, much better so I can actually eat without whimpering and curling up in the corner in pain. I was giving it till today and if it wasn’t any better I was going to trek over to the doctor.. but it looks like the worst is over.  It’s funny how pain in your tongue can just bring you down and grind everything to a halt! I couldn’t talk, swallow or chew without absolute severe pain!

Anyway.. we are digging out like many of you out there..


Have fun and go make a snow man! I need to make myself some mittens! I have none!


5 responses to “I ate a cookie!!!”

  1. OOO! I have no hat. My head gets cold.

  2. Denise took this picure of me pulling the local snow plow out of the ditch…

    We’re havin’ fun in all this snow!

  3. It looks beautiful around there–look at all those trees! You must take more pictures of your surroundings.

  4. marilyn Avatar

    I am jealous. send me some of that pretty white stuff

  5. Debbie Avatar

    We’re digging out, too. It is pretty inspite of ice on top of snow. Our golden retriever loves it!! Hats that I made my two Valentines are keeping them warm as they shovel. Am nourishing them with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.

    Glad you are on the mend. Hope the rest of your family is, too.

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