Big Picture Show!

Tonight we are going to go to the premier of Bridge to Terabithia. It is one of Azia’s birthday presents.. she is taking us all.  She even gets to buy us candy and popcorn! So here is my big picture show!

I am all accsessorized and ready to go.. got the pretty earphones and the case.. now all I need is the computer!


My other deadline got squashed so I actually had time to relax and work on Brian’s sweater. Now I didn’t do this all last night but a good part of it I burned through a whole ball of yarn. It is going fast! Well that is till I get to the front and sleeves!


And.. for Isela. She said I should take some more pictures of my surroundings so here you go.. the view I wake up to. There is a sliding glass door in our bedroom and so this is what I see when I wake up!

picture-177.jpg      picture-178.jpg

And last but not least.. does this look like a spoiled kitty or what?



2 responses to “Big Picture Show!”

  1. Wow! Your view is spectacular! I love it! I think this is the first time I see your kitty.

  2. I’m in the process of doing some massive ring maintenance for the FiberArts Bloggers ring and I am contacting you because there’s a problem with your code. The code you have up is actually alright, except that the ring’s home page on the urbanspinner site is long gone. The new home page is:
    You’re welcome to either switch out just that one part of the code, or ask me for the basic default ring code instead.
    Please feel free to contact me with any related questions/concerns. Once you have your code fixed up, if you want to send me a note I’d appreciate it, so I can check it out. Thanks!

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