Of Apples and Trees…

The other night we had some excitement. I was upstairs for a bit and Azia was downstairs and she was hungry. So she decided to make a Hot Pocket. Well she read the instructions for the oven cooking…


The house still smells like smoke 4 days later!

They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I think next year she won’t have the same request for her birthday dinner as this year. When she was asked what she wanted she replied ‘food that isn’t burnt’. Meanwhile my first attempt at fudge well isn’t..


They all assured me at Loom n’ chat on Friday night that I could always eat my fudge with a spoon. They were right.. it will be some nice chocolate syrup for my ice cream!

Let’s see in knitting news.. I made it on page 7 of the KnitPicks catalog! It’s weird seeing something you knit in a cataloge.

We are home from church again this week. The driveway is an ice rink at a 45 degree angle. I am thinking about getting out my ice skates.

The White one is mine!

Hopefully Azia will take after my more sucessful attempts like this one too!


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