Some Egg!

Well a while ago I promised to have Azia and Jaxom guest blog to show off their science projects.. well I have been a bit busy. I have been helping put something together that my loom knitting friends will love.. ahh you have to wait till tommorrow! So Here is Azia’s report!


 Eggciting Science: bouncing eggs!

I found out that if I soaked eggs in vinegar they would bounce so I decided to make my experiment about that!

Problem:If I dropped four eggs that have been soaked in vinegar for different amounts of time from the same heights which egg will bounce the most before breaking?

 Hypothesis: The egg that is soaked in the vinegar longest will bounce the most before breaking because it was in the vinegar the longest.  

Method: I will soak three eggs in vinegar for  2, 4 and 6 days then I will drop each of the eggs from various heights and see how many times each egg bounces before it breaks.  Result… 


Dropped from    9 inches Dropped from   36 inches Dropped from     6 feet Dropped from     12 feet
2 Day Egg 3x no damage 3x no damage 3x no damage 3x no damage
 4 Day Egg 3x no damage 3x no damage 3x no damage Membrane broke on second drop
6 Day Egg 3x no damage 3x no damage 3x no damage Egg broke on second drop

          My experiment was to see if I dropped three eggs that have been soaked in vinegar for different amounts of time from the same heights which egg will bounce the most before breaking? I thought that the egg that was in the vinegar longest would be strongest because it was in the vinegar the longest. I decided this because I thought that the vinegar would make the egg stronger, and so it wouldn’t break when I dropped it.  I placed three hard boiled eggs in glasses filled with vinegar.


The first egg was in the vinegar for 6 days, the second egg was in the vinegar for 4 days and the third egg was in the vinegar for 2 days.  I did some research and found out that the vinegar would make the egg shell dissolve because there is a chemical reaction between the vinegar and the calcium in the egg shell.  After soaking the eggs in the vinegar, I took them out and dropped them from various heights.


My results are in this chart.  


Dropped from    9 inches Dropped from   36 inches Dropped from     6 feet Dropped from     12 feet
 2 Day Egg 3x no damage 3x no damage 3x no damage 3x no damage
  4 Day Egg 3x no damage 3x no damage 3x no damage Membrane broke on second drop
  6 Day Egg 3x no damage 3x no damage 3x no damage Egg broke on second drop

My hypothesis was wrong because the egg that was soaked in the vinegar for two days never broke; the egg that was in for six days broke at the highest height.  I think it’s because all of the shell did not dissolve on the two day egg and because all of the shell dissolved on the 6 day egg.


Stay tuned for some exciting news tommorrow!! Well if you late owls check in you might catch it before everyone else!


2 responses to “Some Egg!”

  1. Wow Azia great experiment! I think you did a great job, very detailed and interesting to learn.

  2. Azia, that was awesome! I would have hypothesized the same thing, however, as we can see from your well though-out science project, the hypothesis doesn’t hold true.

    I like this experiment, I think I will have Bryant try it out–I think he will like to drop the eggs.

    A++ darlin’

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