Happy Eiffel Tower Day!

yep it’s Saturday.. I have a million things to do. My parents are coming in from California in two weeks. So I need to get the house straightened out. Brian won’t be around next weekend to help out with that so it makes things extra busy. They tried to let me sleep in a bit. He took the little one with him to the hardware store and came back with donuts and cafe mocha from Arabica! So I am sitting here munching on donuts and ignoring my soggy cereal.

Perhaps that mocha will get me going. Allergies seem to be dragging me down. The good news is that the kids have been helping more with the dishes..


Aren’t they just so creative.. today is the anniversary of the opening of the Eiffel Tower. Perhaps this is in homage to that momentous event?


3 responses to “Happy Eiffel Tower Day!”

  1. They are so creative, hehehe

  2. Your kids are helping with dishes? It’s good to be you!

  3. LOL–that is too funny. In my house, I only have the cats and poltergeists to blame.

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