Vini, Vidi, Parki

My Dear Fellow OHVA Parents,

I just wanted to write to you and express my thanks. You must know that is was with some apprenension that I found myself driving into the city, to a museum and not really knowing where it was.. and it was in the city.. and surprising myself that I found my way there without getting a. lost, b. in an accident. That however is not the reason I wanted to express my thanks to you all. You must also know that that same apprehensive feeling hit me when I found that the tiny parking lot at the museum was full when we arrived.. bravo to all of you who got those spots. And no yet again this is not why I wish to express my thanks. I want to thank you for passing up that nice spot practically in front of the museum for me. It was most kind. Now I know you all passed it up because it looked like it was an impossible parallel parking job. But you all knowing that I had to parallel park a bus at one point in my life cleverly thought it best left for me. Really you shouldn’t have. But thank you.. really.. as this is the only photo I have of the evening.


I spent the rest of the evening chasing an energetic three year old around a science museum that must embody the ingenious attributes of Dr Who’s Tardis as it is MUCH bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside. So thank you all who drove past that spot and left it for me.. because by the end of the night I was just tooo tired to walk to the parking garage across the way.




3 responses to “Vini, Vidi, Parki”

  1. You crack me up girl!

  2. this is too funny. i know what you mean by chasing a little one around in a monster of a building. my daughter just turned 6 and the way she moves in large open spaces aways seems to amaze me. i though her speed at 3 was bad and that it would get better as she got older but NOOOOO. she is worst. and now with age she wants to touch every thing she see. i was so tempted to put a leash on her but then those darn social service people would be knocking on my door.

  3. Denise –
    I love it when you get snarky!
    Wanna come to Colorado to teach me how to paralel park? I never learned how to, and I’m guilty of leaving perfectly good parking spaces and repeatedly driving around the block until I find a double spot to pull into.

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