My editor called out of the blue yesterday and posed a question to me that she had been asked by the teachers at one of the ‘big box’ craft stores. Apparently they were doing knitting loom classes, using the Knifty Knitter, and had my book. Their question was.. why were my directions opposite of the ones in the package of the Knifty Knitters? Was I left handed?
Well the answer was no.. I may have been at one point but ‘they’ fixed that in kindergarten.. no honestly I wrote the directions the way I learned to loom and the way I have been looming all along. I work around the loom clockwise.
I told her.. and in my experience this is true… that the majority of loom knitters do it that way. That the independant loom makers out there have their instructions that way. She concurred that the In the Attic Loom instructions are written that way as well.
So I put the question out there. How do you loom? Do you work around the loom clockwise or counter clockwise?
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