Wallup Polls…



My hat’s off to all the single parents out there! The last few days Brian has been up in Cleveland for the church conference and so I am temporarily a ‘single parent’ myself. I have always had a great respect for single parents, those who choose that role for one reason or another or have it unwittingly thrust upon them.

I have a greater respect for them now. This is the longest I have gone without Brian being around.. with all four kids; and it is trying and exhausting!

But I know I must be doing something right. Take today for example. I had my oldest son (11) and my middle son (5) both sobbing at least once or twice today. All because I laid down the law.. it seems the more you say no as a parent and the more they protest and cry the better a job you are doing..You would think it was the end of the world to them!

As I was pushing the bike trailer back up the hill to our house listening to the echoes of my son’s wailing off in the distance, I thought..  he is just giving me my job approval rating..

and today..

it’s high.


4 responses to “Wallup Polls…”

  1. I know what you mean exactly! Bryant tells me all the time…Mom, you are so mean, you make my life so difficult…and I say to him, it is my job to make it so :).

    Good job there Momma…you’ll have them all in a straight line when B comes back.

  2. Amanda Avatar

    70 some odd days and I won’ t be one anymore!!! At least until next time…….And let me tell you what, I better not be pregnant with number three next time!!!

  3. Debbie Avatar

    God Bless You, you are being a great parent! It’s sad when you see children getting away with everything because the parents aren’t tough and they try too hard to be their kids’ “friend.” Big mistake!

    Just remember your reward of a few days back when your little one was blissfully asleep on your lap.

    Hang in there, Mom!

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