Random events in the last 72 hours..

-Nellie Olson flew over my house.*

-Caleb tried to burn the house down make his own popcorn.

-The internet went out again.

-I had to open up Jaxom’s computer and do minor surgery to get it running.

-The dog ran off on me in the rain..

-The dog was really only hiding somewhere dry while she listened to me run around the neighborhood looking for her.

-I cleaned the house.

-The pastor came to visit.

-I had to do minor surgery on Azia’s computer because her monitor stopped working.

-I made brownies.

-We ate them all.

-I finished the larger portion of the test knit I am working on which means I am that much closer to STEEKS!

-I won an I-pod Shuffle!

-Brian gave me chocolates.

-I ate them all.

-I want more chocolates!

-I didn’t work on this:

Pi Shawl

*Well ok.. the actress who played Nellie Olson flew over my house.. the real Nellie Olson is… well… dead… and it would be quite disturbing if she flew over my house.

I am headed off to District Conference for church. I am a delegate so I have to pay attention! I don’t know if Brian will let me take the wireless card with me so you might not hear from my till Sunday!


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