My friend Laurie’s husband is being taken off life support today. I’ll give it to you in her words:
“Monday morning I will meet with the Gift of Life representative, and we will proceed with allowing Mr. Trid the opportunity to be Mr. Fixit one last time, but this time it will be his greatest accomplishment.
He has been a fire fighter, EMT, ski patroller, VP of a search and rescue team, as well as a Cub Scout and Boy Scout leader. He has always given every person he comes in contact his very best effort, whether it be a friend in need, a co-worker, or a total stranger. Now, instead of continuing to be reliant on a life support system, he will be providing many other people the chance to get off of life support.
Because he is young, and otherwise very healthy, he can do so much for many people. He has raised his boys to be strong young men just like he has always been, so we are all going to be okay. He taught us well.
The boys are very comforted that Dad is donating, in fact they actually seem thrilled that their loss is making life better for others.
Your prayers have been so helpful to us, and have seen us all through many dark hours. Now, I ask for your prayers to go to the recipients and their families. For us, there is a certainty, for them, their new hard journey is just beginning, adjusting to a better quality of life, though the first weeks will be filled with uncertainty of whether rejection will occur. We are at peace, and we pray that these gifts will continue to improve other lives.
God Bless us, every one… (tiny tim is now my hero). “
Please pray for her and her family today.. I will get back to telling you about Jaxom and his broken nose later.. he is doing ok. We were concerned about bleeding overnight but it seems to have stopped. Thanks all..
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