If Cleanliness is next to Godliness

Then I’m a heathen and heretic….*

15 loads of laundry later and I am still not done. And I have a large capacity washer and dryer. Let’s just say when we are all sick things fall apart around here.

I did get some knitting time in, in the lull between loads..

I am only 36 rows away from finishing the Pi Shawl for my mother. Considering that each of those rows has 576 stitches. I only have  20,736  stitches to go!

I have settled on an edging. An easier edging than the one from the Folk Shawls book. I found it here. The little black dress isn’t bad either, but I think that that edging will be perfect! Simple, just wide enough and just the right amount of fancy for this shawl. With the geometric lace design, I think that this edging will fit the bill. AND who knows, at this rate I might just get this thing done close to on time!!

*name the group, song and album that line is based on and I will just have to send you something! Plus you will get a million kudos!


One response to “If Cleanliness is next to Godliness”

  1. LizAndrsn Avatar

    Would that be the song “Trash” from The Bob’s 1993 album, The Bobs, track eleven, from Rhino records?

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