There’s This Quilt…

I have a quilt upstairs on my quilt rack that is from my grandmother’s house. When I was young, used to wake up under it whenever I stayed there overnight. I love to walk by it and touch it. When I  touch it with my eyes closed I can envision myself back there.. upstairs in Nan Nan’s house, young and content.. ah to have that feeling again. Unfortunately because of the deteriorating condition of my grandmother’s quilt I can’t use it.


Then I saw this quilt today.. at Old Red Barn Co. and I knew, I knew just by looking at the photos of it that it would feel just like my grandmother’s quilt. And I closed my eyes and could feel the soft crinkly goodness of that quilt again in my hands, back when I was young and it was in it’s prime..

I want to win that quilt.. so here you can go look at it but man.. look out.. it’s MINE I tell you MINE MINE MINE!! I only post this so I can get extra entries!!


Woosh… Ok enough of that eh?


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