‘Twas the Night Before School Starts …

And all through the house not a creature was stirring,

Not even a mouse.


The students were all tucked in their beds,


While visions of schoolwork danced in their heads.


The teacher had organized the supplies with care,


Knowing her students would all soon be there.


Azia in 6th grade and Jaxom in 7th

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Julian in first who will go on to second.


And then there was Caleb the littlest of all,


He will start kindergarten this fall!

Yes indeed all 4 children will do school this year..

Which fills their home schooling Mother with oodles of FEAR!!!!


6 responses to “‘Twas the Night Before School Starts …”

  1. Boy, school starts early there! We have another week to go. While all four have been in school for a while, this is the first year they are all allowed to walk home from the bus without me needing to be there to meet them! I’m very excited about this.

  2. I’d be terrified too…thank God for public school! LOL

  3. I love your poem…how creative you are. 🙂 And how exhilarating to see all your supplies lined up and ready…all you need is a bouquet full of pencils, lol!

    I’m still looking forward with excitement and some trepidation to the start of school here…for both my daughters, and me! 😛

  4. Our school started today, too. DH’s new bus is on my blog. But you have the right idea — homeschool.

  5. Very cute poem! You’re very ambititous – I’d never have the patience to homeschool my two kids, let alone trying it with four!

  6. You are going to be a busy lady! What a cute crew you have 🙂 Good luck with the school year!

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