What have I been up to lately?

Up to my neck in a pair of socks.. for this…

Loom Knitting Socks: 50 Easy No-needle Designs for All Loom Knitters

None of my designs in it this time.. All Isela’s designs. And if the pair I am working on is any indication they will all be pretty nice! Looks like the book should be out in July.. just in time for some nice small summer projects! (that is if I get my sample pair turned in on time.. mwah hahaha.. oops.. er don’t worry Isela!)

Then if you like socks, and don’t use looms there is always this:


A new book coming out in April by cookie a.. the queen of socks.. If I recall correctly I think Isela did something with this book as well.. knitted some sample socks or something..

So she is even more up to her neck in socks than I am.. and I am whining about one pair??

People I’ll say it here out loud!  I just don’t do socks.. even if I luv ya you have to pay me to make you some.. unless you are my Mommy!


3 responses to “What have I been up to lately?”

  1. I have a friend with only one leg and I’d do good making her a sock because I hate knitting the second one! lol
    PS Same goes for slippers! 🙂

  2. I HEAR YA! Of course I don’t like knitting anything that takes more than a few days to make 😀

  3. Elaine Avatar

    I don’t enjoy knitting socks at all, but love knitting with sock yarn. I mostly use it for sweaters, combining them in “interesting” ways.

    I just wanted to let you know that my prize arrived today (or rather I arrived at work to find my prize waiting for me – the Noro sock yarn). Can’t wait to try it since I am a huge Noro fan and haven’t tried this yet.

    Thanks again!

    Thanks again for your contest.

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