I have a bit of a lul in my knitting right now. I am in ADD knitting mode.. I have a shawl that is NEARLY finished… as in I RAN OUT OF YARN halfway through the bind off.. so I need to get more yarn for it..
I have mostly finished a Tudora.. and I have a seatbelt cover nearly done as well..
I also have about a million projects going through my head and lining up in my brain queue.
So I thought I would go on a little stash busting adventure and make a few toys to drop for the Toy Society. And I thought I might do some ‘yarn grafitti’ too.. been dying to try it. I guess I am all street art these days..
So what does this have to do with Freecycle? Well, when a post came across our local Freecycle list for felt squares I thought great! I will try for this I can use it with the yarn for making toys. So I replied.
Now. I rarely get in there as the first person to get these things so I am never too optimistic.
I was pleasantly surprised when I got it, so I dutifully went and picked it up. It was a BIG BAG, with BIG pieces of felt! Cool.. check it out..
Then in the morning, I was walking up the steps, and that bag was sitting there at the top of the steps.. and I noticed the bag itself..
An audible “EEP” came out of my mouth… Of all the bags she could have used to keep this felt in..
I never showed you a close up of my plates in my dining room yet..
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