A Tough Day all Around

Well it’s been a tough day. This afternoon at our church council meeting our Sr. pastor tendered his resignation. There have been circumstances that have led to this that are going to be difficult to overcome and I am unsure as to whether his main reason in leaving, intended to prevent more trouble, will come to fruition.

The other bad thing about it, is that while Brian and I knew it was coming (we have been living with the news for about a week) most people did not know, and do not know what has led to it, so it is a really big shock.

I did manage to not blurt out what was in my mind and run out of the meeting, which is good.  I’ll try to resist blurting out “let’s keep it together people!” .. in the near future.. not sure how well that will work..

So hey, if you are the praying sort, send a few up for our church, and us, and especially Brian as I think he is going to be leaned on heavily in this as someone to look too for leadership as we figure out what the next step is.

To top that off.. as if I needed to.. I slid down the bumpy slide at the baseball park and most likely bruised my tailbone.  It sure hurts when I sit at certain angles. Guess I won’t be doing too much sitting and knitting this week, which is ok, I have all that cleaning that needed to get done during the school year to get done! So standing and cleaning will be just fine to keep from hurting!


2 responses to “A Tough Day all Around”

  1. Sending you hugs! Sounds like you need them. Take care for the next while. Don’t overdo it. I have a ruptured disc and a herniated disc (for over 8 years now) and it is no picnic :p Feel better soon and hope that you, Brian and the congregation weather what is up ahead well <3

  2. Ouch – on both points. Prayer – definitely! (and hugs too!!!)

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