Let’s see..
Brian went off to the Jr. High church rally leaving us to fend for ourselves! So we went to game night and had tacos!
We played games and had fun!
Tannor decided playing Apples to Apples with the cards was just too passe.. so he did this instead!
Pretty cool!
Then it was Azia’s birthday and we had a yummy yummy cake!!
It’s a Cake Boss cake called Oh My Ganache! And it was GOOOOOOD!
Over the weekend I was also able to get the left front of Sylvi done!
So far this sweater could be done on a knitting loom.. probably not the case when I get to the fancy cable-y part! Very exciting to do a ‘dry block’ on it and see that it is just right!
And so fast even with the seed stitch! What should I work on next? A sleeve? The other front? Or..the fun part! The back?!
Actually, I had already decided to leave the sleeves, since I need to shorten them a bit for my leetle arms.
Have to do some maths!
So, how did your weekend go?
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