Category: Bookish Thursday
Bookish Thursday: Sweater Renewal
Wow for some reason I keep thinking it is Friday! I must want the weekend to come faster so I can have some crafting time, and boy does this week’s book give me some ideas!! Sweater Renewal: Felting Knits into New Sweaters and Accessories by Sharon Franco Rothschild is a volume full of sweater recycling…
Bookish Thursday: Little Cakes from the Whimsical Bakehouse
Today on Bookish Thursday is another great cookbook! I have had this one for a while and it’s a good one! Little Cakes from the Whimsical Bakehouse: Cupcakes, Small Cakes, Muffins, and Other Mini Treats by Kaye Hansen and Liv Hansen is chock full of the cutest, tastey-ist mini cakes I have ever seen! These…
Bookish Thursday: The Tenth Gift
It’s been a long time since I have looked up at the clock while reading a book to see that it is 2 a.m. or some other absurd hour! That is the effect that the new book The Tenth Gift: A Novel by Jane Johnson had on me. I have to admit. The first chapter…
Bookish Thursday: Three Books for Hookers… er.. not that kind!
As you know I recently took a crochet class. Do you think this officially bumps me into the ‘fiber artist’ category? What with loom knitting, needle knitting, weaving, spinning, cross stitch, crewel, rug hooking, and now crochet under my belt.. is there anything left? Please don’t answer that! I think that any fiber artist could…