Category: Life With Faith
Good thing…
My Mom got her shawl yesterday and she got to wear it to the Good Friday service.. Here are some pics of me modeling the finished shawl.. Wow! I can’t believe it is already Easter tomorrow! It’s a good thing I took down the manger scene today…
Good? Friday….
Yesterday on the way home from her skating lesson, Azia asked me the age old question.. Why do they call Good Friday, Good Friday? We ended up in a discussion about it concluding that in the end while Good Friday wasn’t such a good day for Jesus that it was a good day for us…
How SWTC and Cat Bordhi made my morning dig more pleasant!
There once was a knitter who made some felted slippers designed by Cat Bordhi with some Southwest Trading Company Karaoke yarn… And she was happy! Then one got a hole it it and she was sad. Then one cold March day her husband went on a business trip to nice warm Texas, and the next…