Category: How To’s Day
How To’s Day: Bored? Nothing to do, Make a knitting loom with stuff in your house!
Our Internet has been down today, and no pleading or harassing of our Internet provider would get it back in operation! At least they said not until tomorrow morning. (aka Wednesday) But it seems it worked out and we are back online! (but if you emailed me today, please send it again because those did…
How To’s Day: How to Pick a Good Substitution Yarn
A few weeks ago when I asked for How To’s Day ideas I got some great suggestions. Thank you to all of you who made suggestions!! Keep them coming! Today’s subject was recommended by Karen. This is actually a question I get alot! “I want to make this certain pattern, but I need to use…
How To’s Day: How to make me laugh…
Yesterday poor little Caleb had his kindergarten check up and had to get 4 shots! (no that is not what made me laugh) While we were there the nurse practitioner checked him all over and then came to the part of the exam where she needed to check out his ‘boy parts’. So she asked…
How To’s Day: How to Measure Your Mystery Yarn!
I have acquired lots of little odd balls of yarn lately. This leaves me with a little dilemma. Just how much yardage is it that I have here! As a designer it is important to let potential users of my patterns know just how much yarn they will need to knit up a pattern! As…