Category: Kids
Saturdays Saturdays
So, over the last 4 weeks while knitting in a mad dash to make my deadline, preparing for VBS, wrapping up the homeschooling year and well life.. Jaxom and I picked up a Saturday lawn care job! Hey, why not I am crazy like that!! Look.. he really works.. See that nice mulch job? That’s…
Weekend Update
Let’s see.. Brian went off to the Jr. High church rally leaving us to fend for ourselves! So we went to game night and had tacos! We played games and had fun! Tannor decided playing Apples to Apples with the cards was just too passe.. so he did this instead! Pretty cool! Then it was…
Finished Friday!
Finished with our homeschooling year! EVERYBODY PASSED! (now I have more time to knit!) Finished with secret sample loom knitting (sorry not for me.. ) A sneek peek! Shh! And soon to be finished with church conferences! I was chosen to represent at both the national and local conferences! SO! Hopefully, I will…