Category: Patterns
Finished Friday: Not a Katniss Hat
I have been reading The Hunger Games series along with my two oldest children. The books are quite good, I am through them all. We are all looking forward to going to the movie as well. Last week Azia and I went to the book store to get the 2nd and 3rd books for her…
1 of 9
Well actually this one will be 2 of 9. I am planning out a little introductory project for newbie loom Knitters. Designed to get me to stop needle knitting for a bit to continue to rest my left thumb. So far, it’s almost working So this will be one square for a blanket. Having…
Mission Monday! Get it Together!
What? A sneak peek a day early? Wow.. are the planets aligned? I am never early! Here you go: Whassat? The color pooling is sort of fun! I hadn’t noticed it fully till I saw the photo! So my mission is to seam this together into a 3 dimensional object, and to get my son…
Bookish Thursday: Small Projects for Summer Knits!
The weather is heating up. Well, at least it sure was hot in Texas.. And so it’s a good time of year to start thinking about small projects that are portable and small for summer knitting! Traditionally this means socks. They are great for travel, knitting small and portable, but not everyone is into socks!…