Tag: Knitting Without Needles
These crochet lessons are paying off!!
Check this out! This is the start of the Anne Scarf by MK Caroll! (she is in Honolulu.. ) I love this! Two crochet lessons and I am zooming! It’s great! Now, unfortunately I am going to have to rip it out and start over because I have made every other motif backwards.. It’s ok..…
Rapunzel, Rapunzel put down thy snow shovel..
As our knitterly friend looked out over her snowy domain there was little hope that she would ever get the snow cleared in time to fetch her dashing husband from the airport on Wednesday. But alas! Rescue has come! Our doomed knitter is free of her icy prison! Huzzah!!
How SWTC and Cat Bordhi made my morning dig more pleasant!
There once was a knitter who made some felted slippers designed by Cat Bordhi with some Southwest Trading Company Karaoke yarn… And she was happy! Then one got a hole it it and she was sad. Then one cold March day her husband went on a business trip to nice warm Texas, and the next…
Spring Issue of Loom Knitters Circle is LIVE!!!!
I can’t believe it’s been a year!! As usual Isela did a great job on the website set up!! GO on and enjoy it! I will be back with some knitting and crochet updates!!!